The images of Russian women, whom artists have glorified at all times, have changed along with the moving progress. Peasant woman, working at the machine. In a big city today, I found them in chain stores and online order pickups. Here they do hard work for a modest reward, but at the same time they remain cheerful and kind. I tried to work in these places, but at the same time I had an internal conflict that I could not cope with, and I left. But they continued to do this for years, without fail giving me the same advice - "Don't think about it." But I couldn't. I do not know whether it is an innate quality or an acquired skill? Whatever it is, I have not been able to acquire it in my entire life. And only once again I was convinced that our life is based on such women.
(The name of the series comes from the name of a major retailer - x5 retail group)
